To tweet or not to tweet… 5 Tweeting tips for all TWITTER MARKETING

To create an effective marketing strategy on twitter, one doesn’t need to spend much time at all. In fact, just about an hour a day is good enough (provided you take at least 10-15 minute breaks). Here are some fascinatingly helpful tips that can help you become more productive and efficient in that one hour that you spend on Twitter.


Pondering your Tweet: When a person tweets, the message is estimated to last a minimum time duration of 10 seconds in the minds of the followers reading your tweet. All messages automatically enter a general timeline and stay there till they are consequentially replaced by another tweet. Reasons for a follower to remember your tweet would depend on the nature of your tweet. Unless you tweet something extremely offensive or extremely hilarious, people will not remember what you said even five minutes after you tweet it, forget about what you tweeted yesterday or a week before.

Tweets do not have to be weighty. They are not designed to be so anyway. It is because of this simple reason that we can use abbreviations in out tweets. However, one must make sure that the abbreviations used are corresponding with the same abbreviations used by your business. If used incorrectly, the image set by a business could be at risk. You should also keep in mind that one does not have all their tweets create a 50 percent click through rate.

Even drops of water can create a crack in the stone – If you plan on using the leads from Twitter to increase sales and create a practicable marketing strategy, you must learn to be patient because it could take weeks or even months for that goal to be reached. Learn to take your time and let your followers get to know the real you in order to gain their trust. Only when that is achieved will they be willing to buy what you are selling.


You don’t need to read every single tweet from your followers: You need to realize the simple fact that it is not possible to follow everyone. An effective marketer would be followed and would be getting thousands of followers. To keep up with every one could drain you. Plus, there is no guarantee that everyone you follow would tweet content that interests you all the time. There is no shame in accepting the fact that you don’t have time to read tweets from some people. Pick a few, stick to them.

The following list provides some solutions to identify the people whose tweets you would potentially want to read:

o Only follow the worthy: On Twitter, you will come across hundreds of associate marketers and spammers that will be following you, so it is best to just simply ignore them. It helps to locate people in your industry, people in your city, and most importantly your customers. Learn to keep your list of followers to just the people who write worthwhile tweets, this could prove to an asset.

o Save those key searches. It is always helpful to save searches based on the keywords or phrases. Looking for topics that contain hashtags, keywords in your business or current events can help. Now, instead of having to scan every tweet for that elusive message about completely unrelated topics, you only have to see the tweets related to the topic that interests you the most.


Value addition to your Tweets: There is a misconception that dictates tweets have to be of a certain contextual type. Always Tweet about whatever you want to speak out or share, provided that you add value to that tweet in the process. For instance, you can add value to your tweets by telling people something related to breaking news, stories, interesting articles, bog posts or new resources.


Clever way of using your marketing tweets: It is important that you send out marketing tweets. The question is, how many should you send out. What is the acceptable ratio of mixed marketing messages? According to experts, the recommended stream of tweets should have one out of every nine as a marketing tweet. In this scenario, for every one marketing messages that you plan on sending out, you should send out nine messages that don’t have anything remotely close to the product or service that you or your business is marketing about in the first place.

This becomes a great opportunity for you to make those nine tweets conversational by simply adding value to them. These can be anything your heart desires. Talk about sports if you will or even cooking shows. Remember, you have 140 characters to use so use it wisely and go all out to spend those characters in the best manner possible.


Create a schedule for your Tweets: it is absolutely imperative that you know exactly how many times and at what times of the day or night, your business prospers from you visit on Twitter. This can be done realistically when you calibrate the number of times you check your e-mail people, the number of times you talk or play with your smart phone, and the number of days in a week that you work.

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