Endorphins the Pleased Hormonal Agent

Endorphins are natural hormonal agents that your brainreleases when it senses happiness. These endorphinsgive you a sense of joy, fulfillment andwell-being; they tell you all is well with your body.

It’s that relaxed sense after a good meal, a goodworkout, a good laugh or excellent sex.

Endorphins are produced in the pituitary gland and thehypothalamus gland and release an opioid-likesecretion that masks pain with a natural analgesic andtells the body that is great with the world.

Acupuncture has been found to have the ability torelease these substances and eliminate discomfort, at least forthe short term, and to leave you with a wonderfulsense of wellness.

Exercise, severe joy, excellent food and orgasmreleases natural endorphins, and endorphins make youfeel pleased and satisfied with life.

The more frequently you can promote your brain to releasethese natural hormones, the better you will feel, andthe easier it will be to put yourself into this happystate of being.

Endorphins can not be bought; just through your owneffort can you bring them into being.

There is no drawback to putting yourself into theposition of happiness, either through laughter, sex, workout or food.

Happy develops delighted; it is a cycle that you shouldnever break and you need to take every opportunity to spurthese hormones on. Let them do exactly what they do naturally; light their fire and profit!

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