What’s happening in the internet marketing world?

The world of is very dynamic and it is very hard to actually keep track of everything and be updated at the same time. As an we are already too busy with all the task at hands and one may find it a challenge to keep up with all the news and trends that is happening all around us. Nevertheless, no matter how busy we are, there is no stopping the world from adapting and moving with the trends and evolving every single day.

Since it is important for an internet marketer to be informed of the crucial changes that we are seeing in the internet world, we’ve prepared a quick summary of what is going on in the internet world and you will learn and understand how you should move your business and adapt to all the changes that may affect your business for good or bad.

An estimate of more than 90% of the social network users will be on in 2013.

That’s right; the majority of the social network users are now on Facebook. That is roughly more than 3/4 of the total . That this means is that if you are going to be doing any social marketing at all, your focus should be on Facebook because that’s where everyone is. This is the case today and there is no sign of the trend stopping anytime soon.

Therefore your investments and efforts into Facebook marketing will stay to work for you for a long time. One can no longer ignore the presence of Facebook as a great marketing tool. However, you should also be careful while marketing on Facebook because it isn’t going to be as straight forward as it is with traditional marketing.

The reason here is simple, the people that live in Facebook are not there looking to buy as an intention. In fact most are there to enjoy themselves and to entertain themselves. Connecting with others and playing games on Facebook seems to be the big thing today. While the pool is full of fishes, these fishes are not HUNGRY from your bait. So it does take a certain amount of effort and skill to actually catch these fishes.

Most Facebook marketers will actually try to get these people out of Facebook first before marketing to them. This means they will try to get these people to opt-in to their newsletter and only market to them later on via the email channel. Of course there are many other variations to how one can do this but it seems to work for many people for now.

Around 53.5% of the US population which is around 70.8% of internet users has begun watching .

That’s right folks… people are gradually moving away from the television and spending more time matching videos online… thanks to YouTube and some of the most popular sites. What this ultimately means to you is that there has never been a better time than now to give the video marketing world a try. It might pay off and it might not, but we do know is that people are generally accepting the idea of watching an online video more and more today.

To get things going, you should always make sure that your videos are compelling and start with a short video first. Note that not all your videos should be about selling a product. You can actually start connecting with the people within your niche first with short videos. As long as your videos are getting the attention and views, you will get the branding awareness for yourself or your product.

Over 88.1% of US internet users ages 14 and above will research on a product online before making a purchase.

Make no mistake about it; the people online today are getting smarter. And since the internet is so available these days, people will not hesitate to do in depth research on a product before they decide to make a purchase, especially if the product isn’t cheap. Some of the more popular ways to research about your product is to read your product page directly, do a quick search on a forum or ask a question about your product on a popular forum. Another great way to find out more about your product is to actually check out what other people think about your product in the such as Facebook and other .

Hence as an internet marketer, your reputation today is so much more important than how it was many years ago. You need to be extra careful with your product and try your best to get people to like and recommend your product. If not, you will find it very hard to get your product off your shelves. The more people like, recommend or share information about your product, the better it will do. Think of all the viral traffic that you are going to get from those entire social network sharing.

Mobile Internet is on a rise. Over 94% of Smartphones users are now mobile internet users.

Here’s a fact for you. Mobile shoppers have reached 70+ million and what that means is that the chances of your product getting viewed by people on a mobile device are on a rise. The question now is if you and your business are ready for this wave? If not, you could potentially be leaving a lot of money on the table. Hence, you should try your best to try and optimize your landing pages into a mobile landing page.

With a mobile page, you can make sure that people who arrive on your site will enjoy a smoother experience. If you choose to use a mobile site, not only are you helping your customers think of you as a professional, you will also give them an impression that you care for them. Imagine arriving on a normal blog with your mobile device. You will have a hard time going through all the information and everything will feel rather messy and unorganized. However with a mobile site, everything will feel in place and this can help you improve your sales volume like never before. Therefore, try to do a check on your average traffic and find out if you should start moving some of your important sites into a mobile friendly version instead.

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